
JM Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, so you may be able to take a tax deduction for your donation. One-time PayPal Donation, Recurring Monthly PayPal Donation, Zelle are available.


Click the button below to use your PayPal account or credit/debit card to make a donation. 


Prefer donating directly from your bank account? No problem. You can direct your Zelle donation to:

(708) 612-1718
Note: The JM Foundation


You can direct a donation to us via Venmo as well. Please direct your Venmo donation to:

Note: The JM Foundation

Your Tax-Deductible Monetary Donation

You might be able to buy a few non-perishable goods for $10 at your local retail store, but thanks to our retail relationships and bulk purchasing power, we can turn your donation into a more substantial set of items for our families. Monetary donations give us the flexibility to purchase a variety of items to help our neighbors in need.

What Your $10 Can Purchase at the Grocery Store

What We Can Purchase with your $10 Monetary Donation

Have Donation Questions?